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Uh-Oh! What to Do When You Crack Your Phone’s Screen!

Cracking your phone screen can mean anything from a little inconvenience to total loss of contacts and other data. That being said a cracked phone screen is something 50% of phone users have experienced worldwide!

Clearly this problem is not uncommon.

What’s the Problem?
Let’s face it. We’re pretty attached to our electronics these days, phones in particular. We tend to go into a bit of a crisis when something happens to them. This is mainly because our phones:

    • Keep us connected to others
    • Contain personal contacts
    • Contain notes, checklists and other personal material
    • Contain hundreds of personal photos and other media
    • Help with directions
    • Double up for checking emails and browsing the internet

These are just some of the uses and functions we derive from our phones today. It is easy to see why it is such a problem when they get messed up!

What to do if you crack your phone’s screen?
Here’s what you could do depending on the natue and intensity of damage your smartphone screen sustains:

A cell phone screen protector is something you should have invested in to begin with. If it is a single or minor crack you are worried about that has not affected your LCD screen a smart thing to do is to install a protector  on it. This will prevent further cracking and damage.

Repair Kits

There are phone repair kits available in the market that you could use as well. These would likely cost you far less than a company replacement. This being said, using these is quite tricky and a degree of technical knowhow and skill is required. The gamble here is that you could save a lot of money if you get it right or lose your phone and all your data if you don’t!

Company Repairs
Though warranties do not usually cover accidents, some companies might agree to repair your set for a little less during the warranty period. If you do indeed get a discount, go for it!

Repair Service
Getting your phone screen repaired from a professional cell phone repair service is always a solid option. Reliable service providers usually have skilled and experienced technicians on board who know exactly what to do. They will also probably cost less than a full on factory screen replacement!

In a worst case scenario you might need to trade in or get rid of your phone altogether. That being said, if you find a quality phone repair service, the likelihood is you will be able to salvage your device!

The FIX is a repair service with a team of expert technicians that cater to a full range of electronic devices from phones, tablets and computers to cameras, hover boards and everything in between.