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Phone Repair Companies in NY

If you live in New York, you already know how precious your time is. The last thing you need is to waste it on finding the right place to get your phone repaired. You want the best service, and you want it fast. There’s no shame in having high expectations. We’ve rounded up a few of the best phone repair companies in NY that’ll get you back to your regular life in no time. Phone Repair Companies in New York.

The Fix

When you think of fast, expert repairs, you think of The Fix without a doubt. And you might not have come to expect it in New York, but the customer service can’t be beaten. Plus, you don’t have to pay a huge price tag for a smile or fast repairs, either. If you’re lucky enough to be near one when your phone disaster strikes, check them out.

King Wireless NYC

Need help with a water damaged phone? Cracked screen? King wireless may be able to help you out. They’ve got a location on Canal Street for people looking for repairs in their area. Keep in mind that if your phone isn’t working, you might not be able to get directions!

I Repair Cracked Screens

If that’s not the most straightforward name for a business, we don’t know what is. This is one of those mobile people who will come to your home to fix your broken phone here in NY. The downside, of course, is potentially a lack of safety. As with anything, make sure you let someone know that you have a repair person coming over and tell them once the person has left. Even better, meet somewhere more public than your apartment. The convenience could be nice, but there’s no way to know before they show up how they’ll act. They’re also not exactly licensed like a plumber or electrician would be.

NYC iRepair

If you’re looking for an older phone repair shop, this place could work out well. They’ve been there for ten years, fixing broken screens and repairing broken phones. Their services and pricing are straightforward. At the very least, they make it easy to compare prices with competitors to see who comes out on top — or on the bottom, as it were. It’s nice knowing going in what you’ll likely be paying. As long as they’re upfront about the different types of damage your phone might have sustained in a fall, you should be good to go.