How to Fix a Broken Laptop Screen
There are several ways to fix a broken laptop screen. The first step is to disconnect the video cable from the back of the LCD. Next, remove the bezel. Finally, unscrew the screws holding the screen in place. If the screen is stuck, you will need to dislodge any stuck pixels. This will allow you to see the screen again. After that, you can replace the LCD screen.
Disconnect the Video Cable From the Back of the LCD
Usually, the video cable is connected to the back of the LCD, and you can disconnect it by unscrewing the three screws on the back. The cable usually adheres to the back of the screen with a thin layer of adhesive. Once disconnected, you should be able to remove the screen from the laptop. Be sure to carefully disconnect the cable from the video connector.
The LCD is attached to the back of the laptop by a trim frame. This frame is secured to the laptop by three screws on each side. Smaller laptops often have tape to hold them in place. The LCD should be easily removed from the laptop if the video cable is intact. Make sure to be gentle while removing the screen so as not to damage the video cable, which will require professional repair.
Remove the Bezel
In order to fix a cracked laptop screen, you will need to remove the bezel. A thin, flat tool, such as a guitar pick or a flat-blade screwdriver, can be used to pry the bezel open. It is important to use pressure to pry the bezel off the screen. Some bezels hook into the frame of the laptop, making them difficult to remove.
If you are unable to remove the bezel, you may need to replace the panel. You may also have to remove the hinge or the cable that connects the panel to the motherboard. If you don’t have a tool, you can use a pin to reconnect sticky screw covers. The replacement screen will look like the original one. Be sure to test the screen carefully before installing it back. It’s important to know where the screen screws are located before attempting the repair.
Remove the Screws
If you want to fix a broken laptop screen yourself, you need to first remove the bezel. To do this, you’ll need a flat head screwdriver and a putty knife. After removing the bezel, you’ll need a plastic bag to put the parts in. Remove the screws and bezel from the laptop and place them in the plastic bag. You’ll also need to remove the battery and memory cards.
Once you have removed all of the screws, you can replace the screen. Just make sure to align the screen’s video connector so that it’s centered. To replace the screen, you’ll need to remove the screws, and then unscrew the plastic bezel. You’ll need to use light to moderate force to pry the screen out. Be careful not to damage the screws in the bezel.
Unstick Stuck Pixels
There are several ways to unstick stuck pixels on a broken laptop screen. The first method is to check whether the pixels are black, white, or colored. If you notice that one of the pixels is black, it’s likely stuck. Black pixels won’t turn on again, but white or colored pixels may respond to a variety of remedies. Using a rag to try to rub away a dead pixel can harm the display and damage the remaining pixels.
Another option is to use software that cycles stuck pixels. Some of these tools use a damp cloth to release pressure on the pixel. This method is good if you don’t want to scratch the screen. It also helps to release the pressure that is on the stuck pixel. The liquid may not have been spread evenly in the sub-pixels, so removing the pressure will spread the liquid across the whole pixel.
Invest in Screen Protectors
If your laptop or PC screen is cracked or broken, investing in screen protectors will help you avoid the cost of replacing the entire display. Cracked or broken screens often happen when your computer has been dropped or smashed. Fortunately, there are many inexpensive screen protectors available that will save you money on display repair. Here are some of the best ones. You can purchase one to protect the entire screen.
Investing in screen protectors is a good idea for a variety of reasons. Screen protectors can be easily applied and are relatively inexpensive compared to the cost of a screen replacement. They also protect your laptop from scratches, fingerprints, and other types of damage. Screen protectors can protect your laptop’s screen from damage and keep your laptop looking new for as long as possible.
Get a Repair Quote
Getting a repair quote for a broken laptop screen can save you a lot of money. It’s best to check with a laptop repair shop before you decide to send your device in for repairs. Many screen repair shops charge a variety of prices for repairing broken laptop screens, so it’s best to get a range of prices before you make a decision. You may also be able to save money by repairing the screen yourself instead of sending it to a laptop repair shop.
You can get a repair quote for a broken laptop screen by checking online and by visiting a laptop repair shop in person. You can also check The Fix for local laptop screen repair technicians. If you cannot afford to repair your screen yourself, you may be able to buy a new one for the same price. Make sure to plan ahead and pay for the parts first before paying for the repair.