How to Fix a ‘Not Registered on Network’ Error on Samsung Galaxy
This error message usually occurs when your phone is not registered on a network. There is no clear reason for this, so you’ll have to try a few different things. One of the most common causes is an outdated system update. Updating to the latest build should fix the issue. You can check if you have any pending updates by going to the Settings menu on your Samsung phone. Once you’ve updated, test your network connectivity.
Uninstalling apps may be an option to fix the ‘Not Registered on Network’ error on your Samsung Galaxy. To uninstall apps, start with the most recent one. Next, restart the device in normal mode. If the problem still persists, try deleting the device and reinstalling it. If this solution doesn’t work, you can repeat the steps.
Next, try resetting the network settings. This will open a dedicated screen for the reset. You may be asked to enter a PIN or draw a pattern to confirm the process. After doing so, restart your device and check if the error is fixed. If so, your phone’s network should be working again. If not, contact your network provider.
The not-registered-on-network error may occur as a result of a faulty carrier’s network or firmware. If you’re using a rooted or custom ROM, the issue may be a result of that. If neither of those options works, you may have to try another firmware or a trial-and-error method.
Sometimes, the ‘Not Registered on Network’ error is caused by an improperly inserted SIM card. If this is the case, you’ll need to remove the SIM card and reboot the device. Then, try connecting manually to the network. This should fix the error. If all else fails, you can try another sim card to understand the problem. The process is the same for all Samsung Galaxy models.
If none of these solutions work, you can try resetting the network settings. Resetting the network settings will wipe out all network-related settings and start over again from scratch. Then, reinstall the UI. Once this has finished, your phone should be fully functional and able to make calls and send text messages. The problem can occur with either LTE or 4G.
You may also want to try a factory reset. While performing this procedure, your device will erase all its temporary data and return to the best state. This process can be done using the apps in Settings. When the reboot is complete, you should test the network connection again and see if the error has been resolved. If not, try a factory reset once more.
Updates are another way to fix the error. New updates to Android bring not only cosmetic changes but also solutions for known problems. Don’t hold off on updating your phone. Updates can also fix network issues. Then, check the applications on your phone and try the following steps. If you’ve tried all of these steps and still get the ‘Not Registered on Network’ error, try installing an update. If you can’t manage to do it all by yourself give The Fix a chance. We will repair your phone in no time!