Common Issues With iPhone Water Damage Repair
One of the most common symptoms of iPhone water damage is a non-working Home button. While you can still lock your screen, change the volume, and take screenshots with your iPhone, you may find it impossible to press the Home button. Luckily, the iPhone is equipped with AssistiveTouch, which places hardware buttons on the screen. You can also use a USB dock or Bluetooth headphones as an alternative audio output device. These accessories can be connected to the bottom of the iPhone.
Discolored Liquid Damage Indicator (LDI)
If you see a discolored liquid damage indicator on your smartphone, it probably means there’s water damage. In some cases, you may be able to see the liquid damage on the phone behind the screen. But in most cases, it will be hidden behind the battery compartment or SIM tray slot. The liquid damage indicator is usually red or maroon. You can try to find it by following these steps:
Locate the LDI. Sometimes the indicator turns pink or red. This could affect your phone’s warranty. In other cases, the indicator may still be white. In such cases, you can try to find the LDI with a lighted magnifying glass or an angled light. It’s important to locate the LDI correctly, because a damaged indicator can invalidate your warranty. If you can’t locate the liquid damage indicator, you should try to take a picture of it with a magnifying glass.
Vertical Lines on iPhone Screen
If you’ve dropped your iPhone or it’s been water damaged, you’ve probably noticed lines on the screen. While these lines don’t necessarily mean anything, they’re annoying and can make it difficult to use the iPhone. Thankfully, they’re not a major repair problem, and can easily be fixed at a local iPhone repair shop. But you should not dismiss this problem just yet. There are a few different causes of vertical lines on iPhone screens.
First, if you have a screen protector, you’ll need to remove it and clean the area thoroughly. You may want to consider replacing the screen protector to fix the problem. Next, make sure to charge the device to 100% before you start any repairs. If you do this, you’ll likely see the vertical lines disappear. Additionally, the lines may occur when the LCD cables are disconnected. These cables connect the Logic board and the screen. If you drop your iPhone or hit it with something, you may damage these cables.
Speaker Damaged by Water
If you’ve recently dropped your iPhone in water, the first thing you should do is dry the phone. Failing to do this will leave you with muffled speakers and possibly a damaged phone. Try using a low-frequency tone to try and evict the water from your iPhone’s speakers. If that doesn’t work, try a cloth or Clorox wipe to remove any residue. If all else fails, you can also try using instant rice to clean the phone’s speaker.
If you’ve been drinking a lot of liquid, you may have gotten water into your iPhone’s speakers. Although the speakers are water-resistant, they may become damaged when exposed to water. You can try using a hairdryer to clean them out, but this may end up damaging the iPhone. In addition, it is not a good idea to charge your iPhone while it is wet or open the SIM tray.
Cost To Repair
The cost of iPhone water damage repair varies greatly depending on the type of damage and the phone model. Some repairs only require cleaning the liquid out of the phone while others require the replacement of parts and labor. The costs of iPhone water damage repair range anywhere from thirty dollars to five hundred dollars. If you have water damage to your iPhone, it’s important to seek immediate medical attention before you risk losing the phone. If the damage is not extensive, you can try to fix it yourself by placing it in rice. Then you can bring the phone to The Fix store for repair.
If the water damage is too severe, you may have to replace your iPhone. The cost of replacing the entire device can range from four hundred to six hundred dollars, depending on the device. However, if the water damage is extensive, you may want to try DIY solutions first. If you can’t find a local repair store, you can just go there.